If you have trouble focusing on things close up but your overall vision seems fine, then the problem may be convergence insufficiency. When you have this condition, you could have problems with reading and other close-up activities. Fortunately, a neuro-optometrist can help treat and train your eyes to overcome this issue. Here is more to know about convergence insufficiency, who gets it, and how a neuro-optometrist treats it.

What Is Convergence Insufficiency?

Convergence insufficiency is when your eyes don't move correctly when viewing up-close objects. When you view things near your nose, your eyes begin to cross as the object gets closer. When the object moves further away, the eyes move outward. When you have convergence insufficiency, the eyes don't move perfectly together. One eye may move outward or not inward enough.

What Causes Convergence Insufficiency?

Convergence insufficiency is fairly common, especially in children. In some cases, the condition can be mistaken for a learning or mental disability. The exact cause for the condition isn't known, but neurological issues are likely a major contributor. The eye muscles and visual acuity are often normal in many patients.

In adults, traumatic brain injury, as well as certain neurological diseases, are sometimes suspected causes. An increase in demand on your eyes, such as doing a lot of research or computer work, could also be a trigger.

What Are Convergence Insufficiency Symptoms?

Blurry or double vision when reading is one of the most common symptoms of convergence insufficiency. However, headaches, disorientation, and frequent need for new prescription glasses may be other indicators. Some people with this condition may seem clumsy and often bump into things. They may have problems with activities that involve eye tracking and depth perception like catching a ball.

How Can a Neuro-Optometrist Help With Convergence Insufficiency

A neuro-optometrist can help you with eye training activities to improve your condition. These activities help train your brain to use your eyes together. Exercises may include depth perception practice and focusing exercises. For many people, therapy is all they need, and their vision improves over time. However, if vision therapy doesn't work, then the neuro-optometrist may prescribe prism lenses. These lenses are highly effective with eye movement and focusing issues.

If you struggle to read or are experiencing serious visual problems, then see an optometrist or neuro-optometrist like Jacqueline Theis for help. Don't wait too long, or the condition can worsen. Your brain could try compensating incorrectly for this anomaly on its own. When that happens, you may have more complicated problems in the future.
