Birth control can sometimes be a challenging topic to understand. While most women may know enough to get by, some might not be entirely sure how their birth control works. There are several different types of birth control that all have different mechanisms of protection. Here are a few of the most common types of birth control and what you should know if you are going to utilize them.

Copper Intrauterine Device 

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, plastic, T-shaped device that resides in the uterus. While there, it affects the environment in the uterus. A copper IUD makes the environment dangerous for sperm to travel through. This is due to the copper ions that are emitted from the IUD. These ions kill sperm cells, making it impossible for them to ever reach the egg in order to fertilize it.

Hormone Intrauterine Device

A hormone IUD, like the copper IUD, is inserted and stays in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. However, these work a little differently than the copper ones. These IUDs release a slight hormone which make it so that a woman's body does not release an egg. This is not always consistent, though, so in order to prevent pregnancy, hormone IUDs also cause the mucus of the cervix to become too thick for sperm to make it through. Thus, if an egg is released, it will not be fertilized.

Daily Pills

The daily pill that many women take actually works very similarly to the hormone IUD. Instead of the hormone being introduced directly to the uterus, it is ingested daily to make sure the body does not release an egg. Daily pills also have the backup of thick cervical mucus. It is crucial to note that, usually, a woman's body is wanting to ovulate (release an egg). In order to prevent this from happening, it is crucial to take birth control pills at the same time daily. Missing your dose will leave a small gap in the coverage, allowing the body a chance to ovulate.

In conclusion, there are a lot of different types of birth control options, each interacting with the body in different ways. If your birth control is affecting you in odd ways such as mood swings, excessive bleeding, or pain, you should talk to a doctor about other options. 

Contact a medical center like Western Branch Center for Women for more information about birth control.
