As much as it can be challenging for you to arrange for an elderly family member to move into an adult care home, this transition can be even more of an adjustment for the person. Regardless of the person's health condition, it's ideal to take the opportunity to make the experience go as smoothly as possible. Through actions and words, you can make sure that your family member quickly begins to feel at home in his or her new residence. Here are four ways to accomplish that goal.    

Use Memories Of Home

Depending on the nature of the adult care home, you can often contribute items from home to make your family member's new room feel welcoming. Photographs, decorations and even small pieces of furniture can quickly give the room a homey feel and make the transition to this new living situation easier. If the family member has a health condition such as dementia, creating these familiar surroundings might also lead to less anxiety about the changes.

Reinforce The Benefits

When you discuss the move with your family member, focus on reinforcing the many benefits of the adult care home. The main benefit to emphasize is the round-the-clock access to medical care, which your family member wouldn't be receiving if he or she remained at home. If the family member has been lonely, you can also explain how this new living situation will allow him or her to meet new peers. Depending on the home's programming and your family member's health, you can also emphasize programming options for residents.

Visit Frequently

Don't be a stranger once you relocate your family member into the adult care home. Regular visits and phone calls can brighten the person's mood and help him or her avoid feeling alienated. If you have children who live at home, take them on at least some of your visits. Do your best to maintain your normal relationship with the family member -- things don't have to change just because the living quarters are different.

Share Your Family Member's Concerns

Speak to your family member to determine any concerns he or she is having about the move. Then, have a discussion with one or more staff members at an adult care home (such as Care with Love) to relay these topics. If your family member is concerned about being lonely, for example, pass along this information and the home may make it a priority to have staff members visit the person frequently.
