Do you know what your dermatology office does? Many people think of dermatology as a kind of "generic" type of healthcare specialist, and assume that all dermatologists offer the same services. But there are different specializations that dermatology practices can offer to patients. Take a look at this list of specific dermatology specifications, some of which are new and innovative fields.

Acne and Scarring Services

One specific type of cosmetic dermatology focuses on eliminating or reducing the physical signs of acne, facial scars or other types of skin damage. In the past, these procedures were often limited to topical creams or ointments or other topical treatments. Now, some dermatologists are able to offer radio frequency energy services or other types of advanced services that work on acne or scarring of the face.

Dermal Fillers

Another groundbreaking aspect of dermatology that some doctors specializing is called dermal fillers. Here, the practice uses specific types of materials to 'plump up' areas of the skin by injecting them below the skin. Patients have a choice of using fillers made from avian products, other types of animal fillers, or fillers made from certain types of synthetic materials. For example, some patients choose to get fillers injected into lips to make them fuller, or in areas of the face to change the facial contours. Dermal filling may apply to the cheeks, chin or even areas of the neck, depending on the patient's profile and specific needs.

Laser Energy Treatments

Another specialized dermatology practice involves applying heat and radio energy below the skin to trigger changes in a material called collagen. Laser collagen treatments are said to be effective against wrinkles, and can help to change the facial contours to restore a more youthful look. They are also considered "non-invasive" options compared to certain kinds of surgeries, and they are easier ways to get results without cutting into the face or body.

Disease Prevention

One of the more traditional specializations that dermatology practices are involved in is cancer screening and monitoring. Doctors will visually look for signs of melanoma or other skin cancers on the skin. Doctors may take pictures of the skin over a period of time, to track changes. New advances in biopsy procedures may make it easier for doctors to send samples to labs for diagnosis.

These are some of the major services that dermatologists offer to patients. Ask a professional dermatologist, like Desert Dermatology, what the office specializes in and what types of specialized services it provides.
