How can you help your child to prevent tooth decay? If you're searching for a way to help your preschooler reduce the risks of cavities, take a look at what you need to know about kids' dentistry, oral care, and your child's healthy mouth.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

At-home care is essential to reduce the risks of cavities. But everyday actions aren't the only way to prevent cavities. Your child also needs to visit the dentist regularly for preventative care. A check-up gives the dentist the chance to monitor your child's dental development and look for potential trouble spots. The pediatric dentist may find a questionable area or decay that you (and your child) missed.

While some cavities and severe decay may cause pain or sensitivity, new dental caries may not have these symptoms. This means your child may not let you know about their growing cavity. If the dentist catches decay when it starts, they can take steps to prevent the pain and other issues that can result from a more serious cavity. 

Not only can the dentist check for the first signs of decay, but they can also help to keep your child fighting off cavities. The regular check-up is a time for a deeper than normal cleaning. The hygienist can remove stuck-on plaque build-up. Acids in sticky plaque can erode the enamel coating of the teeth. This sets the stage for decay. Prompt plaque removal can reduce or eliminate this process and help to prevent cavities. 

Regular Home Care

Even though routine visits to the kid's dentistry clinic can help to prevent tooth decay, your preschooler also needs to take care of their mouth at home. While an older child or teen can understand the reasons behind decay prevention strategies and follow an at-home routine with minimal (or no) adult help, a preschooler will need extra assistance.

Instead of explaining the cavity formation process, keep your dental hygiene discussions basic. You don't want to scare your preschooler or make them anxious about their oral health. You also don't want to overwhelm them with information they may not understand yet. Instead, explain that they can help to prevent tooth decay with a few simple steps.

These steps include brushing, flossing, and possibly rinsing. Most preschoolers won't need a mouthwash product. But your child can wash or rinse their mouth out after eating. This step can help to dislodge debris that is left behind after meals and snacks—decreasing the risks of cavities.   
