When you go through menopause your hormone levels drop drastically and many women have hot flashes, weight gain, night sweats, and loss of sex drive. Something else that changes in hormone levels can cause is dry skin. Below is some information about this and what you can do to bring back your soft skin.   


How much estrogen your body produces during menopause declines. Estrogen is important as it stimulates the formation of skin oils and soothing collagen. This is why when you start menopause, you end up with dry skin that often feels itchy. The reduction of estrogen not only causes dry skin, but also reduces your body's ability to retain moisture. You will see dry skin appear just about anywhere on your body, such as your legs, elbows, chest, back, face, and even your nails. Fortunately, there are things you can do to combat the dry skin and easing the itch associated with it.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

The first thing you should do is to see your gynecologist. They can do a blood test to check your estrogen levels. If found to be too low, they may suggest hormone replacement therapy (HRT).  You have the option of taking a daily pill or wearing a patch. You can also get estrogen into your body through a vaginal gel, ring, or spray. If you often feel grouchy, HRT may help to improve your mood. It can also help you sleep better.

Ask your doctor for more information, as there may be some risks associated with using HRT.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you do not like these risks, you can choose natural hormone replacement therapy instead. Both diet and taking the right supplements can provide you with relief.  One food that works well at controlling symptoms of menopause is flaxseed, which has large quantities of natural hormone substances.

Sprinkle flaxseeds over your soups, yogurt, cereal, and salads to add some crunch. You can also use flaxseed when making breads. Soy contains the same natural hormone substances of flaxseed.  Add dried fruits, sesame seeds, chickpeas, beans, peas, and alfalfa sprouts to your diet for natural estrogen.

There are also natural estrogen supplements that you can find at most health food stores. Your doctor may also be able to tell you where to find these supplements.

Make sure you use sunscreen before you go outside, and use a good moisturizer on your skin.    
